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What Can We Do To Make Our Planet A Better Place?

October 11, 2022    7 min read

Our planet Earth originated about four billion years ago; since then, it has stood the test of time. Human actions have negatively impacted our environment since the dawn of civilization and our planet has survived all the environmental troubles. But now things are changing. The damage caused by humans is ever-increasing leading to problems like deforestation, pollution, and resource depletion.

If we don't take measures to save Earth, there will be global warming and permanent damage to the atmosphere and existing ecosystems. Global warming can cause extreme floods, which can destroy livelihood and culture. Natural resources like various fossil fuels will disappear forever, and many plant and animal species will be extinct. The quality of human lives will seriously suffer. We must take steps to prevent further damage and protect our natural habitat. We can play a significant role in environmental conservation. We can save the planet by making small changes in our lifestyle and spreading awareness about the harmful effects of human actions on the environment.

If you are curious to learn how to save Earth, here are a few steps we can follow:

1. Conserve Water
Seventy percent of the Earth is surrounded by water, but we still have a severe shortage of clean water. Did you know? About 4.2 billion people struggle to get clean water even for their basic necessities like bathing, washing, and drinking. There are a few things we can choose to practice to save water. Make sure you turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, or if the water is dripping from the faucet, take shorter showers and prevent unnecessary water spillage while watering the plants or washing the cars.

2. Save Electricity
Always flip the switch and turn off the lights when you leave the room. Unplug all electrical appliances when not in use because it takes up a lot of electricity. Avoid excessive use of gadgets to save power.

3. Say No To Using Plastics
Plastics are non-biodegradable substances that end up in landfills. They don't decompose for hundreds of thousands of years and emit harmful chemicals into the environment. The increasing accumulation of plastics is posing a threat to the planet. We should avoid the use of plastics and help in recycling them by carefully disposing of them.

4. Learn to choose sustainability
Sustainability means choosing to use resources in such a way that it does not cause harm to the environment. We need to understand and identify that development does not always mean that we are heading towards progress as a civilization, especially if it causes undue harm to nature. We should learn skills that will help us reduce our carbon footprints and allow us to sustainably.

5. Spread Awareness
The determination to take up the challenge of saving Earth alone is a significant undertaking. It is always better to share your knowledge and inspire others to do the same. Speaking up when you see anyone around you causing harm to the planet and trying to explain them is an excellent example.

6. Plant more trees
Trees absorb excess atmospheric carbon dioxide, giving us fresh oxygen to breathe. It gives us food and shade. Planting trees is the best way to save our environment Everything around us, from the air we breathe to the food we eat is a part of nature. Our planet is the only planet in the solar system endowed with the gift of life. We must keep our habitat clean and green.

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